Well. The school year officially started so we've also "officially" started with homeschooling. Official means that I now have a Partners in Education discount card at the University Book Store for 20% off on all purchases
and we've started some more formal structured learning with Beck.
The truth is, it hasn't gone that well. Beck seems reluctant to try anything new - like holding a pencil correctly, for example. And it's been hard for me to figure out where I stand exactly on all of this. Part of me thinks we should just wait until he's asking to learn these basics and part of me thinks there isn't anything wrong with working together for a short time each day to practice some of these foundational skills. I guess we'll work it out as time goes on.
And the other part of our official start is that we're trying to do at least one activity a week with the Seattle Homeschool Group. We joined last spring and get the newsletter each month, but until now we haven't done much with the group. So last week we tried the "Not Back to School Picnic" which was a large and well attended gathering. Too large, really, if you ask me. We didn't connect with anyone and I just didn't have the energy to chase Ember, keep my eye on the boys,
and walk up to complete strangers to introduce myself.
Yesterday we had more success. We went on a "Smallfolks Ramble" - a short hike in one of the nearby parks. There were only a handful of families and we all got a chance to mingle and chat along the trail. Plus the boys had a blast. Beck ran down the trail full tilt with another boy and Yogi plodded along in the middle of the pack with another 4 year old boy. They held hands most of the way. It was very cute!