Monday, February 9, 2009

Left Behind

The other day a friend was visiting and our conversation naturally turned to schools and education. Her daughter is just a few months older than our oldest (Beck) and because she tested as "gifted" they decided to start her a year early in kindergarten.

And as we talked about how kindergarten was going it became clear that this kindergarten class was very academic. The children are asked to sit and do their seat work, they have daily homework and miss recess if it isn't completed. And even though the year is less than half through the kids are already reading and writing. (According to her report card, my friend's daughter isn't writing "fast enough", - which could justify a post of it's own!)

So when I announced that we planned to homeschool Beck, my friend looked a little shocked and said, "Aren't you afraid he'll be behind?" Of course I'm not afraid of that - at all. But her comment made me think: does that mean traditionally schooled kindergarteners are ahead? Ahead in what? Life? Going to work sooner? A better college? A better job? Does the "rat race" start now?

I told my friend that I didn't think learning to read and write was that difficult and that when the child is ready it really shouldn't take long at all. Certainly not an entire year of sitting at a desk doing seat work and homework besides. So, no, even if I did care that much about the academic progress of a 5 year old, I don't think our boys are behind at all.

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