Thursday, March 19, 2009

Homeschool Resource Center

Well, we're thinking about signing Beck up for the Homeschool Resource Center in a neighboring school district. Some of the benefits of doing this include:

1. attending any of their offered classes is optional

2. you get a budget of $600 per year per enrolled child to spend on curriculum materials, theater tickets, art supplies, etc...

3. some of the classes (like pottery or the lego design class) look like fun

4. access to an art lab, science lab, and library

Drawbacks include:

1. you have to meet with one of their staff (not a certified teacher) to go over curriculum goals each quarter

2. your child has to participate in state testing - although they are willing to work with you if you'd like to do an alternative method of assessment

3. I'm sure there are others that I don't know about yet!

1 comment:

Proudmama said...

If you get Home Education Magazine, they can probably fill you in on some other cons, but the main one is that when you become a public school family (which is what this means), you put yourself at the risk of more and more testing and interference. Basically, the money comes with strings attached.