We just returned from a week in Death Valley and it was a wonderful adventure with the kids. I love taking them out into wild places. I love how easily entertained they are. I love seeing them explore and discover and get comfortable outside. It really is so deeply satisfying. Is it because this is what I love so much? Or is it seeing them so occupied without any material things, no toys, no legos, no stuff.
Anyway, at one point after a hike, Chris pulled our rented mini van over to the side of the road so we could look more closely at some cactus plants. I thought about encouraging them to get out and have a look, but the boys were tired from our hike and whined about getting out. I said we'd be just a minute and right there near the car anyway.
Sure enough, after a few minutes they unbuckled themselves to see what we were looking at. Then they wanted to find their own examples of the plants. Both boys pointed things out with great excitement and took their time looking at the spines and comparing the varieties of cactus. It was perfect. And a good lesson for me in letting them take the lead.
Very cool place!
I know exactly what you mean! Children and the outdoors are such a great match. When L and I go on the Monday rambles in one of our many hike-able parks, I almost feel guilty that he needs me so little! He and his friends spend hours examining trees, getting wet and muddy, turning hollow stumps or low-hanging trees into "houses," floating leaf boats downstream. They are totally engaged in a way that few toys can match. Not that I don't love legos. But I often think of the final chapter in House at Pooh Corner, where CR is going to go to school and he says something about how you can't do "nothing" in school; they won't let you. And by "nothing," he means just going out the door and exploring the world of nature.
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